The Center for Support of the Foreigners in the Ústí Region

Project name: The Center for Support of the Foreigners in the Ústí Region

Place of realization: Ústí nad Labem region
Implementer: The Counselling Centre for Integration
Duration: 1. 8. 2023 – 31. 3. 2025

Financing: By the European Union under the operational programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the budget of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

The aim of the project is to integrate foreigners into all areas of everyday life and to improve their status in the Czech Republic. It is therefore to support the independence of the clients and to contribute to the development of their skills and knowledge in dealing with various situations and in applying their civil rights. At the same time, the Centre for Foreigners strives to preserve their original cultural and historical identity. Through its activities, the project promotes the coexistence of foreigners and the majority society, including the strengthening of intercultural competences, improves public awareness of the issue of asylum seekers and foreigners with permanent and long-term residence, and positively influences xenophobic attitudes of Czech citizens, state and local government employees, etc.

The project activities include mainly social and legal counselling, courses of Czech language and socio-cultural orientation, lectures for foreigners and the public, integration activities, information centre services, educational and multicultural activities, field work, information campaign and platforms for integration of foreigners.

The target group of the project are third-country nationals legally residing in the territory of the Czech Republic under Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic on the basis of a residence permit for more than 90 days; third-country nationals who have been granted international and temporary protection in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, representatives of the majority society, public administration employees, professionals and other persons who often come into contact with foreigners in their profession.

The benefit of the project is the elimination of barriers to successful integration in the form of an individualized, intensive and comprehensive offer of support. The existence of the Centre for Foreigners is essential in terms of a wide range of services for foreigners and the host society, and its presence in the region allows the coordination of local integration policy and flexible response to the current and currently rapidly changing needs in this area.

Leaflet available here.