Project name: Employment counseling for temporary protection holders
Place of realization: Prague, Central Bohemia Region, Ústí nad Labem Region
Implementer: The Counselling Centre for Integration
Duration: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026
Financing: Financed by the European Union under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Operational Programme and the budget of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
The goal of the project is to provide holders of temporary protection in the Ústí nad Labem Region, the Capital City of Prague, and the Central Bohemia Region with assistance to enhance their qualifications, deepen their education, and improve their employment opportunities in the Czech
The target group of the project consists of holders of temporary protection. In the event that the temporary protection regime is discontinued during the implementation of the project, the target group will also include individuals who were holders of temporary protection before its discontinuation and now hold valid residence permits for stays exceeding 90 days.
Project Description: The project focuses on enhancing the employability of holders of temporary protection in the labor market. This includes securing qualified employment, recognizing foreign education in the Czech Republic, access to retraining courses, and providing information on how and where to seek employment, as well as on rights and obligations in labor relations. The project also aims to expand their opportunities for further education.
Assistance will be provided through the following services:
- Specialized Educational Counseling
Support with recognizing foreign education and professional qualifications, help with obtaining and translating documents needed for nostrification and recognition of qualifications, assistance with communication with state authorities, universities, and professional associations, and providing expert advice on the education system in the Czech Republic. - Specialized Employment Counseling
Guidance in navigating the labor market, job searching, assistance with communication with employers and state institutions, and providing expert advice on rights and obligations in labor relations and improving socio-cultural orientation. - Intercultural Work
An intercultural worker is someone with migration experience who can clearly explain to migrants basic information about state institutions, how they work, and the rights and responsibilities of the target group, significantly contributing to improving socio-cultural orientation.
The project aims to support better integration, self-reliance, and the ability of temporary protection holders from Ukraine to find work, including understanding their rights and responsibilities. It also focuses on preventing social exclusion, increasing job opportunities, and providing more chances for further education.
The project “Support for Employment Opportunities for Holders of Temporary Protection” with registration number CZ.12.01.02/00/24_020/0000062 is financed by the OP AMIF and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
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Nabídka služeb Praha a Středočeský kraj / Nabídka služeb Ústecký kraj