Project period: 2018
Place of realisation: Ústí nad Labem Region
Implementer: Counselling Centre for Integration
Funded by: Ze státního rozpočtu ČR v rámci programu „Integrace cizinců 2018“ 

Goal of the project: The goal of the project is to provide direct assistance to foreigners from third countries at the immigration office and in the field, in areas with greater concentrations of individuals from the target group. Emphasis is placed on the individual needs of users of services and their specific circumstances. Provided services aim at informing the users of their rights and obligations; users are also informed of the possibilities of finding a job on the Czech labor market and on the social, healthcare and educational system in the Czech Republic. Direct assistance is provided by counselors for foreigners, legal counselors and intercultural assistants from the Vietnamese community.

Target group: Citizens of third countries legally residing in the Czech Republic as per Act 326/1999, the foreign residency act, as amended, and also persons who have the status of a refugee or protected person. The target group does not include EU citizens or citizens of third countries who have applied for international protection but have not yet received a decision.


Location of the project:

Dedicated premises of the Immigration Authority offices in Ústí nad Labem and in Chomutov

Ústí nad Labem, Berní 1
Monday and Tuesday  8:00-16:00
Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00-14:00

Chomutov, Jiráskova 5338
Monday and Wednesday 10:00-16:00

Support Center for the Integration of Foreigners in Ústí nad Labem, Velká Hradební 33
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (legal adwisory) 10:00-16:00

On other days, in the field in the Ústí nad Labem region or in the Center for Foreigners, based on specific agreements with employees.


The contribution of the project is to ensure that the target group receives the information they need and the elimination of barriers preventing successful integration.